Nebula Euphone

New Sounds for Music Production, Film Scoring and Soundnerds

Nebula Euphone Nils Frahm Cristal Baschet Crystal Baschet

Nebula Euphone owned by Nils Frahm at Funkhaus Studio Berlin

The Nebula Euphone consists of resonators and plates that are excited to vibrate with the help of a keyboard of 48 glass rods. The timbre ranges from organic, glassy sounds to wind-like fortissimo or spacy sounds, with a range of 4 octaves (C to h’’, tuned in semitones). The sound generation is mechanical-acoustic, without electrical amplification. While performing on the Nebula Euphone the player is part of a resonant circuit with the instrument. Individual frequencies of the notes can be felt at the fingertips.

Nebula Euphone, Cristal Baschet, Crystal Baschet
Nebula Euphone Cristal Baschet Crystal Baschet
Nebula Euphone Cristal Baschet Crystal Baschet Church

Price upon request. Please contact for further details.